About iMSEP and emGeo

Spatial data and analysis have proven to be essential for knowledge-based and reliable environment protection and disaster management. iMSEP is ”internet-based information Management System for Environmental Protection and Disaster Risk Management” that provides decision-makers and planners with access to spatial data and analysis, at any time and any place, over internet, for a better environment and/or disaster management. emGeo (environmental management Geoportal) is a standard Geoportal for discovery, visualization and access to datasets which are published by OGC services.

iMSEP and emGeo have been integrated to provide users with GIS (Geographical Information System) functions and SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructures) data sharing capabilities in one system. The system has been developed at Lund University, under coordination and management of Associate Professor Dr. Ali Mansourian.

iMSEP and emGeo are subprojects of a larger projects funded by European Union. They provide users with general GIS functions for collection (e.g. on-screen digitizing, importing maps, editing attribute data), analysis (e.g. buffering, overlaying, shortest path analysis, DEM analysis), visualization (different and flexible cartographic presentations), and management, as well as spatial data dissemination, sharing, discovery and use needed in SDI.

To use iMSEP and emGeo you should sign up first to create an account. Using the account you can visualize maps. If you want to be able to add, edit or share spatial data or use Geoportal capabilities, then you should contact system admin in your region or country to provide you with proper authorization.